Emily Jane at The MediClinic COVID-19 Guidelines
Emily Jane at The MediClinic will carry out treatments, in line with Public Health England & Government recommendations, only if the clinician is well and has had no symptoms of COVID-19 in the previous 14 days.
Due to the nature of the treatments carried out the highest levels of sanitisation & hygiene are always required, however some extra measures have been put in place.
Please help us adhere to the following;
Client’s will be contacted prior to their appointment to ensure they are well and that they (or anyone in their household) have not had any symptoms in the last 14 days.
Please only enter the premises at the time of your appointment as there will not be a waiting area.
As always, the clinician will be washing their hands regularly, using hand sanitiser and will be wearing a mask & gloves. Client’s will be asked to wash their hands and use hand sanitiser prior to entering the treatment room & a disposable face mask will be provided unless you prefer to wear one of your own.
For the time being refreshments will no longer be offered, but you’re more than welcome to bring your own water bottle with you.
Only the minimal amount of required equipment will be in the treatment room.
As usual, disposable equipment will be used where possible, and full sanitisation of all equipment, especially frequently touched surfaces will take place between clients.
Please attend your appointment alone, only the client receiving treatment will be allowed within the premises.
Only cashless payments please; via card machine or bank transfer only.
Incase Client or Clinician are to show Covid-19 symptoms within 14 days after the appointment they must inform the other immediately.
Thank you so much for your co-operation in helping to keep you and ourselves safe.